Hi {firstname},

Help centers and self -service options have become critical to the success of any business owing to the increasing volume of support requests, rising customer expectations and increasing support costs. Discover what you need to do to build and sustain a successful help center.

Customers are more technically savvy than ever and have come to prefer the DIY approach to solving their issues and answering their own questions. Years of research by ICMI has confirmed that customers prefer to resolve issues themselves and within their channels of choice. Furthermore, customers only seek direct interactions when they unsuccessfully exhaust their self-service options. This is backed up by data from American Express, which found that 48% of consumers prefer to speak with a customer service rep when dealing with complex issues, but only 16% prefer the same contact for simple issues. The goal of this paper is simple: We want to help you build an all-in-one knowledge base, community, and customer portal. All of which can be accomplished with a help center like Zendesk Guide.

Download the white paper '6 Tips for building a thriving help center'. The paper outlines how to

  • Increase customer satisfaction by providing better service and meeting the needs of customers who prefer self-service.
  • Reduce costs and increase efficiency by eliminating repetitive costs so that agents can focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Grow your business community, and build deeper connections between your company and customers.