
Make your data ready for Artificial Intelligence

“No amount of AI sophistication will overcome a lack of data”

Organizations everywhere, are aiming to embed AI in everything they do. But while 85 percent of companies surveyed believe AI will help them outpace competition, only a handful of them have gotten started. (Source: 2017 MIT Sloan “Reshaping Business with AI” study of 3,000 business leaders)

First step to climbing your ladder to AI is to build an information architecture ready for AI. IDC is predicting that Data lake adoption is expected to rise over the next couple of years from about 30% to 90%. While many companies today have invested time, energy and resources in enterprise data lakes using Hadoop or some other form repository as the underlying infrastructure. Experience from early adopters is telling us that just dumping data into a central location to run analytics projects is not going to help accelerate the AI journey. Without appropriate integration, governance or quality, these data lakes immediately turn in to data swamps. You know that the data you need to build the perfect deep learning is somewhere in the swamp, but can’t find it or trust it or use it.

Having worked on over 16,000 AI engagements (Source: Forbes March 2018 Article), we believe a governed data lake architecture is best suited to build an information architecture that is AI ready. Governed data lake contains data that is findable, easily accessible, clean, trusted, governed and protected. It can be shared and consumed with confidence because the platform it resides on is secure and reliable, the quality and lineage of data is understood, the data is properly classified and protected and timely and controlled data feeds populate the data lake with reliable information and then document the information assets and their metadata.

Join us for this webcast to learn how you accelerate your AI journey by building a strong data foundation using a governed data lake approach. We will also share a live demo and share success stories from our clients.

Kitman Cheung
Program Director - AP Technical Sales Leader IBM Analytics Platform
Trishala Jain
Unified Governance and Integration AP Product Marketing Leader

KC Karnes, Director of Marketing at CleverTap