
Executive Brief

Improve your digital sales through AI-supported journey shaping

The high rate of digital sales proves that companies are investing heavily in attracting new online consumers. Worldwide digital ad spending in 2017 reached $209 billion;1 companies spent another $77 billion trying to convert these leads into sales.2 Yet, after all this effort, only 2% to 3% of online leads are converted into deals.3 Clearly, something’s missing.

Companies leverage multichannel digital campaigns to attract customers to their websites. However, only 4% of visitors who arrive to the marketplace are ready to buy, according to a Marketo survey. And only a small percentage of those visitors put anything in their shopping carts during their first visit.

If prospects do put an item into their shopping basket, more than 75% of them abandon those carts before finalizing the purchase. They leave the site without trace, according to the SalCycle 2018 report


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