
The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365 Small and Midsize Businesses

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365 Small and Midsize Businesses

Learn how much money your business can save.

In an objective study commissioned by Microsoft, Forrester Consulting investigated the Total Economic Impact™ for small to medium sized businesses, with 1 to 250 employees, using Office 365. The study revealed a sizeable return on investment.

One business founder had this to say, "The productivity gain is the main thing for me with Office 365. It's allowed everybody to be more productive, and if there is any element of downtime on hardware, it's just a case of moving into another location, whether it'd be the next desk, office, or Starbucks."

Discover these findings and more when you download the free report:

  • Improved Business Continuity. How enhanced business continuity lead to an avoidance in lost billable hours of $15,000 annually.
  • Increased mobile worker productivity. How an investment in mobility saved 45 hours per year per worker.
  • Lowered Security, Risk, and Compliance Costs. How an organization went from 15 data breaches per year to 1, resulting in $1,400 in annual savings.

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