
The Contact Data Enrichment Primer for Marketers.

The Contact Data Enrichment Primer for Marketers.

Where to use it and how to get started.

It doesn’t matter what you tell your customers. Without the right contact data, they can’t hear you.

Download our step-by-step primer for marketers to start verifying and enriching your contact data. With trusted contact data, you’ll get through to the right people so you can deliver a richer customer experience.

“The Contact Data Enrichment Primer for Marketers” shows you what enriched customer data can do for your marketing department and your organization, and shares the success stories of how others did it. It covers:

  • Email addresses – providing tips for getting deeper levels of insight
  • Postal addresses – giving you faster ways to get products to customers
  • Phone numbers – demonstrating methods to increase accuracy

Whether you’re ready to get started or simply want to learn more about contact data verification and enrichment, this primer is essential reading.