
Forrester Customer Journey Analytics Landscape Report

Learn everything you need to know about the rapidly evolving journey analytics landscape and how to leverage the right technology to meet your business goals.

In an increasingly customer-centric, digital world, cutting-edge marketing and CX teams are adopting customer journey analytics to analyze customers’ behaviors and motivations across touchpoints and channels over time, gain a deeper understanding of customers’ movements across different phases of the journey, and ultimately, be more effective in acquiring, serving and retaining customers.

Download this information-packed, complimentary report from leading global research and advisory firm, Forrester, to learn everything you need to know about the rapidly evolving customer journey analytics landscape, including:

  • What customer journey analytics is, and examples of practical applications for solving business challenges
  • 3 leading use cases for how companies use journey analytics to drive results
  • An overview of 4 key journey analytics capabilities: (1) customer data fusion, (2) journey design & planning, (3) journey testing & optimization, and (4) journey automation
  • How to choose the right tools and technologies to meet your specific customer journey objectives

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