A 4 Step Guide to Simplifying Event Management Software Migration

When the time comes to migrate to a new event management software, a lot rides on the event planners in charge of the logistics. With so much to think about in terms of functionality and growth, as well as making an impression on management, staff, and attendees, EMS migration is no easy task.

This guide will help you to

  • Prepare for your migration kickoff
  • Think through custom integrations
  • Address security and scalability
  • Understand customer service options and client satisfaction via the platform
  • Training of the team regarding the new platform

Even if you select the greatest event management solution on the market, your migration may fail if you don’t take the time to explore your options, set a solid foundation and successfully train your staff. You want your migration to be a smooth one both internally and externally, and taking these steps is the key to a seamless transition winning support from key stakeholders and attendees alike.