
The 2019 Localized Social Marketing Benchmark Report

Localized social marketing or LSM has been proven to drive increased traffic and sales to local businesses. See how LSM leaders are growing their sales 3x's more than their peers - or request the LSM Benchmark results for your brand.

The Localized Social Marketing Benchmark Report (LSM Benchmark Report) is a collaborative research project conducted by LSA - the leading global association helping marketers and agencies realize the full potential of localized marketing and SOCi, Inc. - the leading platform for social and reputation management for multi-location brands.
The research examines how top franchise marketing brands are performing with LSM. It looks at localized presence, customer care (ratings and reviews) and local engagement. The research ranked 163 franchise brands on a 100-point scale.

This research was designed to:

  • Help marketers understand the impact of localized social marketing (LSM) to their respective businesses
  • Provide good examples of what effective LSM looks like
  • Set a benchmark of success for practicing marketers

Through our research, we discovered that the top 10 brand performers are growing 3x's faster than their category peers based on a 5-year trend of each brand's revenue growth rate! The results provide a clear understanding of what success looks like in LSM for the Franchise Marketing category and the true impact of LSM investments on businesses' overall revenue growth. Download the report now to see the top 10 winning brands, how the brands were scored, and request an audit for your company today to see how your brand matches up.



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