
The Engagement Imperative

Why B2B Marketers Must Engage Audiences and Drive Better Data Insights

For years, marketers believed they were in control of the buyer’s journey. They had orchestrated nurtures with choreographed email sequences, adapted buyer-driven journeys and have realised that personalisation, based off of behaviour and engagement, results in improved outcomes.

However, most marketers still struggle to have the appropriate mechanisms in place to listen to and act on engagement data. Today’s work-from-home world has increased the number of digital signals generated and proven that marketers will need to lean on digital tactics for some time.

Engagement is more important than ever. Thirdparty intent data isn’t delivering on its promise, as teams become desensitised to too many signals or intent being flagged too late. We’re also staring down a cookie-less future, impacting how marketers can analyse and understand audience behaviour on the Internet.

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