
Ask More From Your CMS.

How to get the most value in the shortest timespan.

Jill Jones runs digital marketing at a wellness company that did £112 million in revenue last year. Her team has been bumping up against the limits of their out-of-the-box content management system (CMS) for years and she’s finally convinced her CMO and CIO to invest in a more agile one. Four years ago, when they chose their current system, an enterprise-grade CMS was out of their budget and would have taken at least six months to deploy – an unthinkable timeline for a midsize company.

Now, with three brands and six country websites to support, Jill and her team need more flexibility. They want to be able to quickly build campaigns and experiences tailored to specific groups – like the high-value shoppers who’ve embraced a new luxe brand the company launched last year.

Download this guide to understand how to choose, deploy and optimise a CMS that provides more engaging experiences for your customers and better results for your business

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