
How to gain quick wins and personalise successfully

Personalisation can be an intimidating prospect for marketers. You know your audience craves memorable, tailored interactions at every touchpoint, but getting reliable data is hard enough, let alone putting it to use and developing compelling omnichannel experiences. You are, however, in good company. 33% of the global marketing leaders we asked in our recent survey — carried out in association with the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA) – rate their organisation as beginners or novices on the subject1

While some of us are timid, others are on the other end of the spectrum. Nearly 70% of global organisations consider themselves experts in personalisation, but less than 40% are currently using even the most basic data to support their personalisation programs.

This report contains strategies to:

  • Establish the right team
  • Set your engagement values
  • Target segments for quick wins

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