
Drive more sales through your website

In the digital marketplace, customers appear when they want to and spend only a couple of minutes on your website. Then they disappear without a trace.

With artificial intelligence and machine learning, you can track every customer’s individual journey in real time. This enables you to proactively advise your sales teams on who to engage and when to engage them—and you can do it all with a perfectly matching offer, chat or co-browsing with a live sales rep. That increases your conversion rate dramatically while decreasing your cost of sales.

Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in six to nine months, according to Gartner Research.

In this ebook, you will learn:

  • How to shift your sales and marketing strategy to accommodate the new digital marketplace
  • How to leverage real-time engagement and automation to increase conversions
  • Best practices from companies who leverage new sales engagement technology to increase revenue and decrease cart abandonment


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