
Forrester: Digitize Your Business Strategy

As digital technology has become central to both the customer experience and business operations, the ways companies make money and deliver value have undergone a massive transformation. Initially, new technologies were used to optimize existing business functions, but digital tools are now reshaping business models for a new era of personalization, immediacy, and innovation.

Forrester, leading global research and advisory firm, recently released a report examining how companies can navigate the three stages of business strategy evolution in the digital age. Referencing real-world examples from Uber, John Deere, and Progressive Insurance, the report illuminates a path forward for companies adapting to rapid technological advancement.

Download this report and get full insight into the following things:

  • The three stages of digital business strategy evolution
  • How the sharing economy and rise of digital services will change revenue models
  • Why and how data will become one of your most valuable assets


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